IDIS NCAP Daylily Information

The New Cultivar Acquisition Program is a program to bring the latest irises and daylilies to IDIS members' gardens. Each year, the club buys new introductions from hybridizers across the country and then distributes them to members who serve as host growers for several years (3 years for daylilies). After that period, the increases are returned to IDIS to be auctioned off so more members can buy and enjoy the latest styles and colors.

2024 NCAP Dayliles will be available for member auction in 2027

2024 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2023 NCAP Dayliles will be available for member auction in 2026

2023 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2022 NCAP Dayliles will be available for member auction in 2025

2022 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2021 NCAP Dayliles will be available for member auction in 2024

2021 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

Any member can buy in the auction in September but only members who meet the NCAP requirements (New Cultivar Acquisition Program) may receive the free daylily in May.

NCAP Distribution/Reimbursement Registration Credit Form. Click here and print this form. You need this form to record your time spent at events to get in your time for NCAP requirements.


2020 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2019 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2018 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2017 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2016 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2015 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2014 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2013 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2012 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2011 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2010 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars

2009 IDIS Daylily NCAP Cultivars